
The Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences, Humanities, Engineering, and Arts, FASHEA, was established in 2019 with the the goal of fostering interdisciplinary collaboration among the scholars and artists, and in general providing assistance in the human endeavors that greatly contribute to humanity's legacy. This is done through awards, donations, grants, assistance in kind, and finally hosting events and publishing materials.

Awards and Donations

The awards and donations are granted to real or legal persons for outstanding works in various branches of human endeavors. One does not need to apply to be considered for any particular award or donation, however you are welcome to nominate people who you think deserve a particular award. The awards and donations do not come with any strings attached and are just tokens of appreciation. See the awards page for more details.


The foundation will also provide monetary assistance for projects that are yet to be undertaken. One typically needs to apply for these grants through the funding page. Unlike awards and donations, these funds are granted with conditions attached which provide details and restrictions on how the money can be spent.

Assistance in Kind

In addition to providing funding for worthy human endeavors the foundation provides assistance in kind for various scholarly and artistic projects. Examples include providing computation resources, laboratory space and equipment. In addition the foundation may contribute to a project by providing artists, technologists, experts or scholars to collaborate and assist in the various stages.

Hosting Events

From time to time the foundation hosts events to disseminate the results of the latest research and increase public awareness and knowledge on various human endeavors. See the calendar for upcoming events